Central Park Coaching

NYC Running Coach

Central Park Coaching - NYC Running Coach is a best in class one-on-one coaching service by professional running coach, Sean Fortune.  Coach Sean is a former NCAA track and cross country coach and Nike sponsored athlete for his previous club team. He is a USATF Level II certified coach and former multiple time winner of New York Road Runners' races. He conducts personalized, science-based one-on-one coached running sessions for marathoners, youth runners, and kids.



Vibram 5 fingers

Central Park, NYC - With all the talk surrounding barefoot running recently, we were inspired today when one of our athletes showed up to practice wearing the Vibram 5 Fingers (shown above). Basically a light weight rubber sole, affixed to the foot with some light fabric and a strap, this is the closest to barefoot running you can get without actually having to go barefoot. He's had no problems so far adjusting to the transition, and I'm sure he's feet and legs are stronger for it, ultimately making him a faster runner. I'll give a full product review soon, now that I'm getting a pair!

The girl who made the race in the NB Games Women's Invite Mile: Nicole Edwards

Nicole Edwards, Far LeftWashington Heights, NYC - Did pacesetter, Lesley Higgins, do exactly as she was supposed to, making sure it was a fast, exciting race? Yes. Did Erin Donohue, finish the job, and run a world-leading time in the mile, 4:28? Yup.  But who was the girl coming up from behind in the last 600, putting the pressure on Donohue to push her to the limit and make that mark, just a half a second behind in 4:29, and an indoor PR? Right, Nicole Edwards, a Michigan Alum, who made the race as far as we're concerned and deserves to be one to watch in the future.  Great job and unexpected fun seeing her make a go of it.  Let's hope she gets the attention she deserves going forward.

New Balance Collegiate Invitational Feb 5th - 6th @ The Armory

Washington Heights, NYC - The collegiate meet of the year is being held at the Armory on Feb 5th - 6th.  A two day affair, this is NOT to be missed, as the top schools from around the country will be competing. Hopefully, if you're unable to make it up to the Armory, check back here www.armorytrack.com to see if a live webcast will be played.  Check out full event details here  http://ny.milesplit.us/meets/48570

Coogan's Corner Book Review: Juggernauts

Washington Heights, NYC - PW Coogan, owner of the best track bar in the Northeast - Coogan's (www.coogans.com), recently reviewed the running book, "Juggernauts." Here's his review in entirety pulled from Coogan's Corner on www.armorytrack.com.  Another must read for runners.

Book Review by PW Coogan


The Making of a Runner and a Team In the First American Running Boom
By Steve Adkisson
288 Pages
Outskirts Press

In the ol’ movies there was a collection of riff-raff called the East Side Kids.  The movie plots were about bullies, the powerful gangsters and cops being outwitted and downsized by these street wise, mother loving kids.  Well, here’s the country version - the Juggernauts! They didn’t need much inspiration to train, and they trained laughing, and when their idol Steve Prefontaine died, they trained crying but they trained.  They ran for the love of it, they ran for the fun of it and they won because they were brave enough not to let each other down. 

Before I could say, ‘what the heck is a Juggernaut?’ I found myself immersed in this wonderfully paced story, which is difficult to put down.  Steve Adkisson puts you on his shoulders, and takes you on his four year high school running journey.  I felt like a mini-cam attached to his head and was only sorry when the book ended, but in my imagination the camera still remains on. Adkisson is a writing pro and his technique is as focused as his team’s determination.  We enter the small town world of Kentucky in the nineteen seventies, and follow a group of kids who teach us the chemistry of wonderment and the ingredients of championship running.

When the announcement is made for cross country try-outs, the diminutive country boy Adkisson ask his friend “what’s that?”  The reply is, “it’s the fall sport all the basketball players do, to get in shape for the season” that is, until the arrival of Vietnam vet, and recent college grad, Mike Daley.  Daley tells his motley collection of bell bottomed, army jacket wearing, some with cigarettes dangling from the lip, runners (well, this is tobacco country in the seventies) to “show up on time and get along”. As the reader finds out, the coach is a minimalist, that is, with the exception of assigning workouts.

When the Juggernauts are turned loose they run, too far, too fast and too hard, and end up rolling in pain, sweat and vomit.  Rather than crying these kids think it’s funny, and it becomes their running style and philosophy.  They win because they enjoy the pain that defeats their competitors.  To his adversaries, the 5’2”, less than a hundred pounds Adkisson, is the proverbial gnat that buzzes in your ear until you slap yourself silly as it flies away to the finish line, leaving you behind!

The Juggernauts practice sessions involve jumping in as many of their rich neighbors pools as possible, without getting shot.  They talk the bigger and heavier boys of the football team into coming along and streaking Main Street, realizing that if anyone will be caught it will not be the fleet footed Juggernauts. I guess we know that running is the more cerebral sport.  But these young men are serious in their madness.  They deliver newspapers, work on farms, run two a day practices, go to school and pride themselves in being able to buy real new running shoes.

You will remember the boys from Lloyd Memorial High School for a long time.  The Baynum brothers, Jeff, JC, Mark, Dave and Jude, who runs in his lucky red hat, and though competing coaches think it should be removed during a race… well, we’re in Kentucky and the hat remains on just like this story.  The Juggernauts are too short, too gangly and, unlike this book, without talent or technique.  But they sure knew how to fire it up and let it go!

So runners, coaches and parents, you want this book for the team library, but don’t lend it out if you want to get it back, this book has legs!

New Balance Games Today with Live Webcast at 1:30pm

Washington Heights, NYC - The most important NYC running event this weekend is the New Balance Games taking place today at the Armory .  Thanks to armorytrack.com you can catch most of the action starting at 1:30pm by clicking here http://ny.milesplit.us/articles/33604. The men's Elite Mile will feature two NYC locals, Dustin Emrani competing, and Chris Spooner rabbiting.  Both of the CPTC Central Park Track Club.

TNAR Episode II - A Shotty Recap

Catha Mullen / NYACWashington Heights, NYC - Last night at the Armory on 168th st, the 2nd Edition of NYRR's Thursday Night At The Races took place.  Schedule of events were the following: 3k, 800 meters, 1500 meters, with women racing first in each event, then men second.  While we were too busy warming up and then waiting and waiting and waiting, and waiting, for the endless amount of men's 3k's to be run, we had no time to pay attention to the winners of the 3k, however, word was that the men's winning time was around 8:35ish.  Pretty swift.  However we did catch wind that Catha Mullen, of NYAC, won the women's 800 in a time of 2:15.  After qualifying for the USA Marathon Olympics Trials this past November in New York, with a time of 2:43, looks like she's working on getting some of her speed back.  Checking out the NYAC's website, she has a PB of 2:08 in the 800, so sounds like a smart thing for her to be doing.  2:08 is no joke, and being only 24, she has room to lower that time.  Another standout in the women's 800 meters, this time in the 2nd heat, was Dana Walsh, a senior at Sacred Heart and with a PB in the 800 of 2:10, raced a nice time 2:21, as she's getting back into shape and preparing for anchoring the Millrose Games4x400 High School relay.  On the men's side of the 800, the winning time was 1:55, in a race that was negative split, but we're not sure of the name of the winner.  As for the 1500, we were so dejected with our own race, we left early to go home and pout.  Next TNAR can be found on our 'Upcoming Events' list, or be visiting www.nyrr.org.  I believe it should be Feb. 2nd. Come on out for it.

NYC 1/2 Marathon will feature Marathon World Recorder Holder (2:03:59) Haile Gebrselassie

New York, NYC - The New Yord Road Runners announced yesterday that 'Geb' is returning for another NYC 1/2 marathon this March.  NYRR president and CEO, Mary Wittenberg, proudly announced “Haile is a superstar, a legendary champion, and an ambassador for the sport, and we continue to be amazed by him.  To have him back for the second time for the NYC Half-Marathon is a great thrill and a win for this quickly growing event.” Indeed, as it's very rare for Geb to come to the US to race, having him take part in the newly revamped NYC 1/2, is a big score for the NYRR.  As usual, the course is designed to celebrate New York City, as the NYC Half-Marathon will take runners on a loop through Central Park, down Seventh Avenue through Times Square, across 42nd Street, and along the expansive West Side Highway to Battery Park in the heart of the city’s financial district, finishing with a view of the Statue of Liberty.  To read the nyrr's full story, clickety click here  http://www.nyrr.org/races/2010/nychalf/story01.asp

Sophomore Boys rule the day at the Molloy Stanner Games

Washington Heights, NYC (Jan. 16th) - Last Saturday, sophomore Zavon Watkins from Liverpool High School, set the fastest time this year in the nation at 1000 meters in 2:29:30, additionally making it a record for the fastest time run by a sophomore in the 1000 meters, EVER!!  Next up, in the boys 1600, 10th grader, Nick Ellenoff, placed in the the Top-10 with a PR of 4:35, bettered only by upperclassmen.  Full results http://ny.milesplit.us/meets/55750/results/111341

One of our New Favorite Things

The armorytrack.com's live webcasts.. Now if you don't feel like racing or dredging it up to the Armory to watch live, you can still see great indoor track races live from the comfort of the warm glow of your PC. It's really awesome and am very impressed with the Armory Foundation for getting this started. Production of the webcast isn't bad either. Check it out, right now the NYC Gotham Cup is playing live until 8:30. http://ny.milesplit.us/pages/Webcast2010

New York Road Runners Club Night Nominees

Here they are, the fastest and most consistent road runners in New York City this past year, as selected by the NYRR!


Men 12-14
Steven Lai
Justin J McBride
Matthew Piekarski
Luis Porto
Alberto Rivera

Men 15-19
Youness Benzaid
Peter Francis
Nathan Miller
Eddie Owens
Carlos David Roa

Men 20-24
Bobby Asher
Michael Cassidy
Andrew Cloke
Larry Contrella
Chris Ellis-Ferrara
Dustin Emrani
Abiyot Endale
Genna Tufa
Bado Worku Merdessa

Men 25-29
Halefom Abebe Tsegaye
Stephen Chemlany
Teklu Tefera Deneke
Derese Deniboba
Karl Dusen
Eduard Gapak
Felipe Garcia
Tesfaye Girma
Abraham Ng'Etich

Men 30-34
Michael Arnstein
Mohammed Awol
Ulrich Fluhme
Oleksander Holovnytskyy
Jeffrey Rios
Phillip Sneller
Morgan Thompson

Men 35-39
Jacob Cooper
Thom Little
Jorge Eliecer Real
Hector M. Rivera

Men 40-44
Orest Babyak
Matt Chaston
Paul Thompson

Men 45-49
Jorge Fernandez
Adam Kuklinski
Conor O'Driscoll

Men 50-54
Stuart Calderwood
Greg A Diamond
Michael Rennock
Alan S Ruben
Richard Temerian

Men 55-59
Julian Alvarez
Freddy Evangelista
Yasuhiro Makoshi
John H Peace
John M Shostrom

Men 60-64
Julio A Aguirre
Timothy Delaney
Noel Haynes
Joseph Porcaro
Inkul Yoo

Men 65-69
John Grant
Thomas C Maile
John Samsel

Men 70-74
Witold Bialokur
Roland Ratmeyer

Men 75-79
Alfred C. Finger
George A Hirsch

Men 80+
Jack Haar
Sab S Koide
Edward Lasso

Women 12-14
Evalin Brautigam
Luci Cooke
Lemon Timmons

Women 15-19
Emily De La Bruyere
Jenny Fung
Ivette Mejia
Joanna Villegas
Wenyu Yang

Women 20-24
Serkalem Biset Abrha
Aziza Aliyu
Buzunesh Deba
Hirut Mandefro
Catherine Mullen
Rebecca Yau

Women 25-29
Aileen Conlon
Megan E Guiney
Muliye Gurmu
Katarina Janosikova

Women 30-34
Miriam Beyer
Kate Irvin
Laura Miles
Maria Sacchetti
Beth St John

Women 35-39
Rondi Davies
Danielle Gall
Maria Lauretani
Cara Macari
Jenifer Martin

Women 40-44
Fiona Bayly
Sheila Casey
Christine Glockenmeier
Lilian Kroner
Eileen Patrick
Jill Vollweiler

Women 45-49
Gordon Bakoulis
Shelly Florence
Kim Griffin
Jane Lundy
Yumi Ogita

Women 50-54
Jean Chodnicki-Stemm
Beth Moras
Josephine Patten
Emmy Stocker
Lisa Swain
Sharon Vos
Marie F. Wickham

Women 55-59
Mary E. Diver
Gail Kislevitz
Kathryn Martin
Jolaine Peace

Women 60-64
Deborah Barchat
Carol A Hansen
Sylvie Kimche
Lee McLaughlin
Judith M Tripp

Women 65-69
Laurie B Baker
Susanna B Beltrandi
Frances Breslauer
Yue Qin Fu
Sharon L Garfunkel
Marilyn Greeley Walsh
Carol Johnston

Women 70-74
Page Ikard
Marie Killeen
Jeanne Shiff
Zofia Turosz

Women 75-79
Ginette Bedard
Elaine Breiger
Arlene Eneman

Women 80+
Pearl Jones
Joan Rowland



Famed Coach, Frank 'Gags' Gagliano, sets up shop in the NYC area

Having left the Oregon Track Club where he was teamed up with current head coach of Oregon University, Vin Lananna, Gag's is back on the east coast setting up a small elite training group that currently consists of just two athletes, Erin Donohue and Rob Novak (Shore Athletic Club alum, which won last summers USATF Track Club Championships).  If you think you have what it takes to be coached by one the US's greatest T&F coaches of all time, you should reach out to him.   Read the armorytrack.com's exclusive story here http://ny.milesplit.us/articles/32472

Live at The Millrose Trials

Washinton Heights, NYC - Here at The Armory, the Catholic High School 4x800 is underway, the 1st of 4 sections, is won by Iona Prep. 2nd section won by Chaminade with a leading time of 8:21. 6 fastest teams make it into the games. 3rd heat won by Chaminade's B team? 4th and fastest heat up next, with presumably Chaminade's A team.. After this, girls 4x400...6 fastest teams punch a ticket to Madison Square Garden.

New Feature Added To CPC - Coach's Training Log

I'll be posting my own personal training log on the site going forward.  A couple of reasons for this: 1. Everyone should keep a running log as it keeps their own training on point and serves as a useful tool looking back to see what worked (and what didn't) in training.  So if you're reading this and don't keep daily track of your running, you should start today, either on a calendar, spreadsheet, or an online website. 2. Athletes of CPC can see the daily training that goes into trying to be a competitive athlete in running and T&F.  This doesn't mean to suggest that what I do is the best thing for everyone, but the overall template and consistency to training, can be useful in keeping your own training on point.

The Football & Running Lovefest Continues in the Millrose 'Super 60'

New York, NY - This year's edition of the Millrose Games taking place Jan. 29th, which is being billed as the 'new' Millrose Games, is having new event highlighting the track speed of some of the NFL's most recognizable Super Bowl heroes, the Super 60 is expected to feature the New York Giant's Super Bowl XLI hero David Tyree, ex-Chicago Bear wide receiver and world-class sprinter/hurdler Willie Gault, and Atlanta Falcons' Super Bowl kickoff return star Tim Dwight.  Additional Super 60 participants will be announced in coming weeks.  Read the USATF's press release here  http://www.usatf.org/news/view.aspx?duid=USATF_2010_01_12_05_46_20

Usain Bolt vs. Chris Johnson in the 50 yard dash!?!

This is something we'd like to see, however ESPN is reporting that Bolt is ducking Johnson, a Tennessee Titans running back, with Bolt's camp claiming that it would interfere with his training.  Johnson's reply to this was "We got word two days ago. He don't want to do it. He only wants to run the 100, he don't want to run the no 50,  he'll do it is if he runs the 100." We call Bolt out on this, and the claim that it would interfere with his training, it would be, at that at the very least, a nice little workout for him.  Apparently, he likes the idea of being the 'world's fastest man' without having to back it up.  I want to see it happen. Read ESPN's quick story here http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4794525


Payment is made in advance to secure time slot

Package training sessions are non-refundable, non-transferable, and expire in 1 year

Central Park Coaching LLC accepts all major credit cards processed through Square

Central Park Coaching LLC  kindly requests a 24-hour cancelation policy. In the event of a cancelation within 24hrs, session is charged to client

Central Park Coaching LLC & Sean Fortune are a member & proud supporter of the Carnegie Hill Neighbors Association, Pledge2Protect, Central Park Conservancy, Ocean Breeze IndoorTrack & Athletic Facility, NYRR, and USATF