Washington Heights, NYC - With the lead up to the Millrose Games Jan. 29th, this weekend's Hispanic Games, and the Millrose Trials on the 13th, are sure to produce some national leading marks for the year thus far. Awesomely, the meet is viewable online with a webcast starting at 1:30 to 4:15. Click on this link on Saturday to watch the action.. http://ny.milesplit.us/articles/32574

Washington Heights, NYC - Hot racing going on at the Armory tonight in the first nyrr 'Thursday Night at The Races' of the season. The opening women's mile was won by NYAC's Megan Guiney in just over 5 minutes. NYAC's Lesley Higgins, made the race by taking it out hard and holding it until just about the last lap when Megan took over. The men's opening mile was won by CPTC's Chris Spooner, who went through the 800 meter mark in a pedestrian 2:14, before turning it on in a blistering last quarter for the win in 4:22, leaving his competitors nowhere in sight. Next up, the women's 800, was won by NYAC's Abbi Gleeson in 2:22, and as for the men's race, I was too distracted with my own warm up for the men's second heat of the 8, that I'm really not sure who or what time won. Ian Brooks, event organizer and announcer, reprimanded some competitor's in the first heat for intentionally dropping out of the race, so make sure you don't do that. Then, finally, there were some 3k's raced, but it became to late to stick around, so those, and all of the results, will be posted here www.nyrr.org by next Wednesday.
Washington Heights, NYC - Here are the details for the series of NYRR 'Thursday Night at the Races' at the Armory, starting this Thursday (and strangely enough, not to be found, as of yet, on their own nyrr website) :
Welcome to the 11th Annual NYRR Thursday Night at The Races
January 7th, & 21st, February 11th & 25th
Registration 6:15-7:00pm
Competition 7:00-10:00pm
Spectators are welcome
January 7th – Mile, 800m, 2 Mile
January 21st – 3000m, 800m, 1500m
February 11th – Mile, 800m, 2 Mile
February 25th – 1500m, 8x200m Relay, 800m, 10,000 meter relay*
*10 person relay, 200m legs only, each athlete runs 5 200m legs.
Entry Fee = $15.00 per night / unlimited events
10,000 meter relay entry fee = $10/person
payment by check should be made payable to The Armory Foundation
Results to be posted within three days on ArmoryTrack.com and nyrr.org
Entries are restricted to athletes over 19 years of age. We regret we can not accept HS athletes except in very exceptional circumstances where clearance has been pre-arranged with meet director Ian Brooks – ianbrooksra@hotmail.com
Washington Heights, NYC - Being a graduate of North Shore, and old friend of head coach, Ed Corona, it is nice to see them racing so well. Particularly so, since the school is so small, with a typical graduating class size of approx. 120 students. The program has come a long long way, which is definitely in no small part to Corona's work. Perhaps we'll get an interview with him to see what he's done right to build the program.. Click on the little light green link below to read the full details
Pennsylvania - After a freak accident in high school caused the loss of sight in one eye, Chris Clark, pursued running with abandon, becoming a 5-time All-American while putting up impressive PRs. Now he's looking at the Olympics. Read the full story here, by friend, Geoffery Decker http://pa.milesplit.us/articles/32406

Washington Heights, NYC - Par for the course, not really news. Youth finishing up, Open next...
Update on 2009-12-27 23:19 by scfortune
Eventually the Open portion of the meet started, some 2hrs behind schedule. We only stuck around for the Women's & Men's 800 meters. The women's event had one heat, won in a time of 2:15. The men's event had 3 heats, won in a time of 1:54 by Central Park Track Club's, Damion Drummond.
Central Park, NYC - Just take a look at that sunny icon lifted from a reputable online paper that only prints news that's fit. Just like us. http://www.nytimes.com/weather
Live from the Armory later today!
Central Park, NYC - Over the next couple of days, HATR, will be resolving to implement many innovatively awesome new ideas for the site in the upcoming year. But perhaps, most importantly of all, we'll be the reporting on the competitive racing scene here in NYC. It's an extremely vibrant, compelling, and underreported happening that demands the attention it deserves. The scope of reporting will range from the scholastic to professional level, with everything in between. Runner profiles, team rivalries, race prognostication, we'll have it all. Cheers to that, mate!

Glen Cove, NY - Welwyn is where we go to run when on LI. Nary a soul do you come across. Bliss. Merry Christmas!!

Central Park, NYC - You can run on the snow covered bridle path. It's actually quite enjoyable now. If you're willing to slow down the pace a bit, take your eyes off the gorgeous scenary once in awhile to watch for bad icy spots, and slid your feet occasionally, you'll have the snow covered track almost exclusively to yourself. For a wintery change of pace, beats slogging it out on the roads anyday.
Washington Heights, NYC - While the temperature continues to stay chilly outdoors, the indoor track season heats up with the Armory Holiday Classic this Sunday, from 1pm - 5pm. Youth, Open, and Master runners are welcome. HATR plans on being there, opening with the 8. That alone should be worth the price of admission. For details http://ny.milesplit.us/meets/60282
Iten, Kenya - Toby Tanser (pictured left), a member of the board of directors at the NYRR and founder of the charity, Shoes4Africa, which donates shoes to the underprivileged in Kenya, is currently organizing a women's only race this upcoming Sunday in Iten, Kenya. Proceeds from the event, which is drawing top international runners, will go to fund the largest children's hospital in Africa. Contributers to Toby's fund-raising include international soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo and actresses Natalie Portman and Rosario Dawson. For more info, check out Toby's site www.tanser.org or read about the story here http://www.nation.co.ke/sports/athletics/-/1100/827262/-/rfbhofz/-/index.html

Central Park NYC - Here's the deal: it's gorgeous out. Not the best for running but it'sdefinitely possible. Better off taking the day off to sled or ski. That's what HATR's doing. Enjoy!
Central Park, NYC - Here are a couple of photos from the past two editions of the USATF XC CLUB CHAMPS. 2009's Lexington, KY, below and above, 2008's Spokane, WA. Despite the more picturesque looking Spokane photo, conditions were uniformly considered the worst possible EVER. Lexington, we hear, was a bit more temperate and more conducive to faster, possibly more compelling racing. So here's to the news HATR recently got wind of, that 2010's USATF XC CLUB CHAMPS is being held in North Carolina on a fast course! Let's drink to that.

Central Park, NYC - For those who don't know about this race, it's one of the best NYC running events of the year. The New York Road Runners Emerald Nuts NYE Midnight Run is an annual event commencing exactly at the start of each new year. Fireworks, music, alcohol-free champagne, custumes, high-level racing (as a pro or two normally show each year), are the norm at this event, and a good time is always had by all. Check out the race info here at www.nyrr.org